The pharmaceutical company “Art Pharma” offers a grandiose gift action to its loyal consumer.

From 1 March to 31 March, in “Aversi”,  “PSP”, “Pharmadepo”, “GPC” and “Pharmhouse” pharmacies there is an unprecedented offer 1 = 2 on the products of the Czech pharmaceutical company “Walmark”, which means that in case of buying one box, the consumer will receive another as a gift.

The action takes place throughout Georgia on the following brands:

  • Arthrostoprapid +#30- Stopthepaintofjoints!
  • Benosen #30 –Japanesecalmness, calmsleep!
  • Viadermskinbeauty #30; #60 Capsulsof beauty!
  • Viadermcomplete #30 –Healthyhair, strongnailsandperfectskin!
  • Marsianchikwith Inulin #30- Complex of vitamins and minerals – Anemiapreventionandtake scareof gastrointestinal!
  • Marsianchik syrop – Complex of vitamins and minerals – care on imunity!
  • Marsianchik omega 3 #30- Getit today! Be smart tomorrow!
  • Ginkoprim Smart #30- Get back your memory!
  • Spectrum energy Q10 #30 –Complex of vitamins and minerals enriched with Coensyme Q10!
  • Biopron 9 premium #10 – #1 in Europe, combination of probiotic multistrains!
  • Omega3 premium #30- Choose a new premium class omega 3!